Montag, 22. Juli 2013

Hey guys :))
Sorry for not posting for so long, but I stood in vacations for 3 weeks.

We were in spain... My grandma and other family members live there 
and we had a wonderful time with them. Also oneof them got a baby 
and he is soooo cute :))) I love this baby soooo much, he is a sunshine :)
We stood on the beach for two and a half week and 4 days in Madrid 

where my grandma lives. On the beach I had a lot of time to think, think
about my life and so on.. I know this sounds a little weird but so it is,
and no, I am not depressive :D

But now I am happy to be at home, because here are my friends and so on.
Here I have my wonderful bed and it's not so boring like in spain :D
Ok... The vacations will end in about two and a half week...

This was all for now ;)

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